
Bad luck strikes!

When I started my first day of the work experience ‘vintage’ period last week, I picked up something and felt a ‘snap’ in my back. After two days of pain and painkillers I decided it was wise to go to the doctor (although friends/flatmates had to convince me). He diagnosed a bulge on one of the lower back discs. He prescribed some medication and physiotherapy which I could organise straight away next door. The doctor thought it could take 6 weeks to fully recover; the physiotherapist said maybe 3/6 months when unlucky. I better not listen to those stories!!

Of course I planned to stay at home a few days and then I would be better, but unfortunately that hasn’t happened yet. This morning I could hardly get out of my bed and needed a good dose of painkillers to be able to move and sit. Walking and lying down on my back seem to give me most relieve.

I now only have two problems:
1) Will I be able to get my work experience? This is necessary for my Diploma;
2) How am I going to finance my studies for the rest of this year, since I had planned to make a lot of hours, so I could save some money?

My first goal, however, is to try to sort out my back. Sending some positive vibes this way might help!!!



Anonymous said...

Hi Anita, even though ill myself, sending you energy and positive vibration from spring Prague! Take care and I wish you quick recovery. Ladi

Anonymous said...

I hope you'll get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Wow, now how did that happen? Just like that? Let's hope the doc is right, or maybe it will only take no more then 3 months..Can you still ride a bike? Just give yourself time and dont overdo things, ok? Ask school to help solve your problems, thats what they are there for too ;)
Take care!

Unknown said...

Hi Anita,

Succes met het herstel, hoop dat het snel gaat want blessure zijn behalve pijnlijk altijd klote omdat je er niets aan kunt doen.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anita,

nou zeg dat is vervelend, veel sterkte de komende tijd met het herstel.

we blijven je volgen

groeten vanuit New Plymouth
Pim & family.